Speaking of being thankful, I am especially thankful for Irene over at Learning with Mrs. Leeby and Erica at Blooming in First Grade, who both nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award! Thank you so much, that was so thoughtful and kind of you! It means a lot to me and made my Thanksgiving even more special. :)
What is it?
The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers
who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are
appreciated and to help spread the word about new blogs.
The Rules:
- You must post 11 random things about yourself.
- Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
- Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
- Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers)
and link them in your post.
- No tag back (but please leave me a comment on this post
with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you)!
11 Things About Me:
1. I have always wanted red hair!
2. I love roller coasters.
3. I still watch cartoons; in fact I prefer cartoons to "grown up" TV shows. :)
4. My dream vacation is to visit England.
5. I always thought I'd want to teach sixth graders, but now that I've been with PreK I can't imagine teaching anyone older than 6!
6. I love Harry Potter (but I can't stand Twilight)!
7. I will always be a Packers fan.
8. And I will always love cheese curds.
9. I grew up in Wisconsin, if you couldn't tell! :)
10. I will never buy a Kindle/Nook/anything not a book. Until they come out with a "scent of new pages" feature, anyways!
11 Questions Asked by Learning with Mrs. Leeby:
1. Do you play an instrument?
Do I play an instrument well? No! :) But I have been trying to learn how to play piano. My left hand has issues!
2. Where have you traveled?
Mostly places in the United States, like Disneyland in California and Disneyworld in Florida. I have also been to Mount Rushmore (on crutches, no less).
3. What is your favorite thing to cook or your favorite recipe?
It depends... if I'm cooking for myself I love to eat rice for dinner! (Or a bowl of cereal...) BUT since getting married I have realized that most men don't like to survive on rice, cereal, and pickles. So I've had to learn how to cook a bit more. :) My favorite way to cook is with the crock pot (it's so hard to go wrong!) and my favorite crock pot recipe is a new beef and veggie stew I just learned how to make.
4. How long have you been teaching?
This is my first year in my own classroom! Prior to that, I substitute taught for half a year. I did most of my field experiences and my student teaching in sixth grade.
5. What's your zodiac sign?
6. Camping or hotel on a beautiful summer weekend?
Hotel for sure! I like to camp in early fall.
7. Most embarrassing blogging moment?
Probably putting in my actual name instead of the name of my blog post the first time I ever participated in a linky. Whoops! :)
8. Bath or shower?
Shower- I never have enough time to take a bath. :(
9. Wine or beer?
Neither, actually. I don't much like the taste of alcohol. My preferred drinks are chocolate milk and Mountain Dew.
10. Real or fake Christmas tree?
Real! (Of course my husband is a fake Christmas tree person)! But I LOVE the smell of real Christmas trees.
11. Is blogging taking over all of your free time?
Teaching in general is taking over all of my free time! Being a first year teacher is definitely exhausting. There's so many ideas I have and so many things I want to learn and make and do, but I never seem to have enough time. Blogging is actually lots of fun for me. It motivates me to plan ahead and I love being a part of the teacher community!
11 Questions Asked by Blooming in First Grade:
1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
Well, to be perfectly honest I don't get much professional support where I currently work. So I was craving to be a part of the wider teacher community, exchange ideas, talk with people who are actually still excited to be teaching, etc!
2. What is your favorite thing to do on a snow day?
It's been so long since I've had one I don't even remember! Right now I would drink hot chocolate, curl up with a good book, and blog a bit. :)
3. What is the first thing on your Christmas list?
A new laptop! Mine has died and my husband is graciously sharing his desktop with me... for now... :)
4. Do you have any children?
Nope. All of my students' parents thought I did, but we don't yet.
5. What is your favorite book?
That depends! I have so many, it changes quite often. Probably my favorite book series is Harry Potter, followed closely by The Hunger Games and the Wheel of Time series. My favorite stand-alone book is The Other Boleyn Girl, right now. I tend to be a "serial" reader! :)
6. What is your favorite activity to do with your students?
Writer's workshop! I am amazed every day. I love, love, love teaching using writer's workshop and it's my favorite part of the day.
7. What is your favorite place to go on vacation?
8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake? Colored lights or white lights?
It's fake. Currently it has no lights, this is our first Christmas with a house and a tree so we'll have to buy some! :)
9. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl! Well, by nature I am. I wake up early in the morning to go to work but I would be a much happier person if school started around about 10 am.
10. What is your favorite food?
Chinese food. And cereal. Does cereal count as food for this question?
11. What TV show is your favorite?
This is hard because I don't really have time to watch TV. So I guess I don't have a favorite anymore. When I was a kid, my favorite TV show was most definitely Sailor Moon. I loved anime. :)
Questions I'm Asking My Nominees:
1. What is the funniest thing a student has ever said to you? :)
2. What is your favorite color?
3. Favorite children's book?
4. Favorite places to get cute clip art/fonts?
5. Cats or dogs?
6. What is your favorite subject and least favorite subject to teach?
7. Favorite type of music?
8. Favorite grown-up book? :)
9. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
10. Disneyworld or Disneyland?
11. Advice for a new teacher?
Blogs I'm Nominating:
1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
Well, to be perfectly honest I don't get much professional support where I currently work. So I was craving to be a part of the wider teacher community, exchange ideas, talk with people who are actually still excited to be teaching, etc!
2. What is your favorite thing to do on a snow day?
It's been so long since I've had one I don't even remember! Right now I would drink hot chocolate, curl up with a good book, and blog a bit. :)
3. What is the first thing on your Christmas list?
A new laptop! Mine has died and my husband is graciously sharing his desktop with me... for now... :)
4. Do you have any children?
Nope. All of my students' parents thought I did, but we don't yet.
5. What is your favorite book?
That depends! I have so many, it changes quite often. Probably my favorite book series is Harry Potter, followed closely by The Hunger Games and the Wheel of Time series. My favorite stand-alone book is The Other Boleyn Girl, right now. I tend to be a "serial" reader! :)
6. What is your favorite activity to do with your students?
Writer's workshop! I am amazed every day. I love, love, love teaching using writer's workshop and it's my favorite part of the day.
7. What is your favorite place to go on vacation?
8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake? Colored lights or white lights?
It's fake. Currently it has no lights, this is our first Christmas with a house and a tree so we'll have to buy some! :)
9. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl! Well, by nature I am. I wake up early in the morning to go to work but I would be a much happier person if school started around about 10 am.
10. What is your favorite food?
Chinese food. And cereal. Does cereal count as food for this question?
11. What TV show is your favorite?
This is hard because I don't really have time to watch TV. So I guess I don't have a favorite anymore. When I was a kid, my favorite TV show was most definitely Sailor Moon. I loved anime. :)
Questions I'm Asking My Nominees:
1. What is the funniest thing a student has ever said to you? :)
2. What is your favorite color?
3. Favorite children's book?
4. Favorite places to get cute clip art/fonts?
5. Cats or dogs?
6. What is your favorite subject and least favorite subject to teach?
7. Favorite type of music?
8. Favorite grown-up book? :)
9. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
10. Disneyworld or Disneyland?
11. Advice for a new teacher?
Blogs I'm Nominating:
Ha! I wish my Kindle had the scent of new pages feature! Great to get to know you better!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, not sure if you noticed, but you nominated some of the people that I nominated. :)
Learning With Mrs. Leeby
I enjoyed reading your answers! I am a natural redhead, and growing up, I HATED being a redhead. Now I love it, even though it has darkened some over the years and is a little less red.
ReplyDeleteSeems like we have a lot in common! I also love roller coasters, hate the idea of a Kindle or Nook (I just like having a real book!), loved the Hunger Games, and am a total night owl. I would be happy if school started about noon, ha ha ha!
I didn't want to state what you said about why you started blogging, but that's pretty much part of my reason too. I feel like the other 2 first grade teachers aren't very supportive and we don't work as a team, despite my best effort. They don't see the problem. So I am working on finding an online community of people that I can bounce ideas off of and such. I hope you are able to find the same!
I am so glad someone besides me still loves a good old-fashioned book! :) Yes, noon would be ideal, but I'd still settle for ten. Back when I was subbing I once substituted for a friend who teaches middle school, and they start at like 7! I knew right then and there I was never destined for the higher grades! :)
Thanks for the nomination!
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to my post about the Liebster award!
You can click my link below to read my post!
Thanks again!!
Teaching Munchkins
Thanks for the nomination Jessica!! Check out my answers! hehe :0)
ReplyDeleteLiebster Award Blog
Kindergarten Faith
That is so cute! :) I feel better now about the double nominations, thanks!
Hi, I just joined your site and nominated you for the The Liebster Award!! Come on over and check out my blog to see how it all works...good luck on your cute blog and I look forward to hanging out!
ReplyDeleteDidn't see someone else had nominated you!
Liz and Kim
Thank you so much for the nomination!
ReplyDeleteYou can check out my post here :)