I've totally lost count of how many weeks we've been in school! All I know is the 100th day is drawing closer and I'm not ready... report cards are due in 1 1/2 weeks and I'm not ready... need to schedule an observation and I don't feel ready... (I'm sensing a theme here. Seems like there's always too much to do!)
Here's a look at some the things I actually LIKE to do in January... :)
I hope you all had a great first week back at school! By Friday we were back in the swing of things, so I'm excited for next week. :) Have a great weekend!
Here's a look at some the things I actually LIKE to do in January... :)
Shared Writing
This week we learned the sight word "in" and made a list. Look at all those kindie sentences! :)
Word Work
Thank goodness for Marsha's differentiated activities, I couldn't do Daily 5 without her!
My class loved this cute poem! We had fun focusing on rhyming words and searching through to find all our sight words. After reading the poem, we illustrate it and keep our poetry journals in our Daily 5 book baskets.
Mitten Retelling Fine Motor Craft
You can actually grab this activity for FREE from Jan Brett's website! We used the book to help us retell the story when needed. I absolutely adored this craft... it was great for practicing all the elements of a story! Click on the picture to be directed to her website!
There was also a great illustrating inferencing moment in this book- at the very end, check out Baba's face! We had a great time guessing what we thought was on her mind. Ultimately we decided that she was confused. :)
Math Stations
Snowboard Bump was definitely the favorite math game this week! I can't believe it's taken me so long to teach them how to play this game. They were so excited when I promised to have bump games the rest of the year. :)
We also played Mitten Match...
Went on a magazine shape hunt for 2-D shapes...
And played Snowball Scoop Count & Write!
Science Fun
This week we made a snowman and brought him inside! We recorded our hypothesis and observations...
Yes, he did melt into a puddle. A puddle that included goose poop. GROSS!!! (Note to self: next year use ice cubes!)
We also learned about hibernation/migration and started exploring some nonfiction books. We made these great pipe cleaner and cheerio bird feeders that I forgot to take a picture of, but it was from this picture on Pinterest:
Dramatic Play
Setting up our hot cocoa stand was so much fun! (More on that later, I promise!)
The goose poop comment cracked me up!! :)
Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten